hahaha...this is the 1st time i feel weird saying that i'm homesick.why???
1. sbb aku baru je blk kg x sampai 2 bln ritu
2. i'll be going back for good next week!!for good ok!hehe...
hmm..tah laa..starting this week laa..nk g keje pun x bermaya(pnah bermaya ke?hehehhe...)
u ol pnah x rase gni..dah nak tukar keje g tmpat lain & u r really looking fwd to go but u still have to stay at your current workplace ats sbb2 yg x dpt dielakkan?
hah!gitu laa aku rasa nih.igt nak cuti je sok tp bila pk2 blk rugi.aku cayang cuti aku.ane laa tau thn ni ada org nk wat keje kawin ke..ke aku yg kawin ke...kan nak pkai byk cuti tu.so save laa cuti sebyk yg mampu!chaiyok semah!!!!!!keje lagi sok,lusa & senin.pasni u'll sure gonna miss miri :)
i promised my staff to buy them KFC juz to celebrate my trnsfer.so today i went out & bought the KFC.alih2 aku yg mkn lagi byk dr org2 yg diblanje.arghhhh...mmg dietku lingkup,punah,lingkup ahahahahhuhuhuhuhuhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........xpelah..lagipun aku rase red flag is juz around d corner kan.tu yg mkn je kejenye+mls nk eksesais+cpt ngantok...all the symptoms r there, juz waiting 4 the day to come.unpleasant week of the month tp tepaksa hadapi gak.ada yg x paham ke what am i talking aboutt?????x phm sudah.blk2 kna ludah ahahahahhaa......ms kecik2 dlu suke ckp gitu kan.
apo semua ni cite kfc dah lari dh ni dr topik homesick aku kan...
hmm...sape yg aku plg rindu kat umah tu??
mestilaa mak & ayh aku..rindu nk gaduh2 dgn mak & i'm 100% sure mak pun rindu nk gaduh2 dgn aku coz aku pnah dgr mak bisik kat maksu,"kalau cikmah ada takla sunyi sgt, ada teman nak gaduh2"...gitu laa lbh krg ayatnye bkn aku igt dah pun.pastu rindu nak sembang2 gelak2 sepuas ati dgn ayh...my daddy is a very cool guy tau.love him...boleh cite mcm2 dgn dia..leh gurau2 ape pun x amik ati punyer...layyaannnnn jer.....cool...
pastu of cos laa rindu nk peluk cium my adam...muahmuahmuahhhhhhh...cayang sgt kat dia!!!oh..pastu sarah.nk peluk cium gak tp sarah suke nangis...x reti nak pujuk..hehehe.....jahat makngah ni ye...pilih kasih...
eh..mana ada...dua2 syg...kan..kan..kan..
oh..duk cite2 ni rase mcm nak blk umah mlm ni gak..rindunye kat sumer org..nape ni?nape ni?emosi lak 2,3 ari ni.
oklah...moral of the story issssssss....
i really miss my family.......soooooo muchhhhhhh....
come back!!!
14 years ago
mayB "red flag" dah dkt kot tue mah...aku pon menghitung ari nk balik...since we are NEARER now,hopefully we'll meet selalu yea :) take care..