this morning before i went to work, aku sempat layan MHI jap.tgk2 ada Prof Muhaya duk ckp.she was an ophthalmologist in HUKM.dlu masa kena attend lecture/posting kat HUKM slalu arr jupe dia.sgt suke dia ngaja coz kdg2 agak sinis laa...huhu..
ok..the host was wardina ni tanye laa Prof, dia ada dgr ttg 'ubat ajaib' yang bila dititik je terus ilang sume sakit mata.rabun ke,glaucoma ke,cataract ke....sume leh ok lah pendek kata.
ape jwpn Prof??
'kalau ada ubt mcm tu doktor2 x pyh keje, kementerian kesihatan pun boleh tutup kedai lah'
i dont want to judge anything coz i never tried the 'ubat ajaib' tp pnah tgk dlm Buletin Utama. the inventor was also titled 'DR'. tapi doktor ni xtau laa doktor ke?dr intenet ke?mcm2 kan skrg ni.masa tgk buletin utama tu aku kat KK so ada 3 more optos with me.we raised our eyebrows...hmmm...btoi ke doktor ni??then i sms my fren(opto gak), cite kat dia.she said, kuasa Allah semah.jgn underestimate benda2 mcm ni.
well..i'm not underestimated anything laa..but logically how do they treat all the eye diseases with 1 same drop?1 formula for all diseases that all caused by different cause(dah belit2 ayt aku ni)...
'Ada sorang pesakit glaucoma dah berhenti ambil ubat yg dibekalkan hospital & cuma guna 'ubat ajaib' ni saja..bila dia datang kepada saya, tekanan dan tinggi, saraf semua dah rosak dan dia pun hampir buta'
pd pandangan aku, x salah cari alternatif lain. tapi as a last resort la.maksudnya dah try mcm2 kaedah yang disahkan selamat dan xleh elok masa tu kita cari alternatif lain.
yes..i'm not in their shoes. people tend to get panic when they get disease & will try anything...but they must be able to make a perfect decision. eye is window to the your eye ok!!
i'm looking fwd for any comments on this topic k...
come back!!!
14 years ago
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