salam hari jumaat...penghulu segala hari..moga sejahtera hendaknya..
today suppose to be a very bz-like-a-bee day for my clinic.but since my boss is not sumer org raya hindu laaaa....muahahaha...syok..syok..ada laa 2,3 ketoi pt aku.after this nak pi bank settle everything regarding my green card & approval to kastam & jpj.why???haa...ada laa sbbnye...akan dikupas on next entry ye.
i woke up early this morning, cook for my breakfast & lunch.yess...i cook my lunch bcoz i have to be very careful on my calorie intake..(ye laa sangat tuhh) plus i can also cut down on my budget.bkn ape..if i have my lunch at the canteen..i will consume all those oily-fatty-creamy-sinful huge amount of food.i will eat like i dont care anything in this whole world..kirenye pakwe encem lalu dpn pun x layan laa..and when i'm terduduk jadi old phython yg baru telan a gajah..baru nk nyesal.dah tu..xkan nak the best thing is...masak je sndiri.jgn masak byk..what i cook is what i get...nothing more.interestingly i read in 1 of my 'health' magazine either shape or rapi or women's weekly...a researh found that it took 10-20mins for a human to feel full after they've eaten.maksudnya...selagi x berenti melantak...selagi tu laa x rasa sengkak perut tu..unless klau mmg korang melantak smpai perut tu dah berubah from 'j' shape to 'o' shape (open ur bioL text book ok)..haa masa tu baru laa rasa kenyang maut haha..
so, moral of the story(not story laa..ape2 je laa), mkn ikut keperluan..pastu drink a lot of water..u'll feel people who had known me so long, i'm just like makcik oprah..been struggling with my weight for soooooo longggggg....tired of this.just recently i got a wake up call about how to live a healthy kdg2 klau dtg godaan yg maha dasat...hancus biggest fear is.....BUFFET table....oh..oh....but i love it.leh 2,3,4,5x ulang tau.cant resist the temptation.kalau xde mknn dpn mata, i wont go n search for it...duk diam2 je.x caya???ikut suka laa..
nnti nk buat entry lah on how to manage weight more gaining weight...i'm sick of it!!
ok...p wat keja..tata...
come back!!!
14 years ago
caya la..kawan aku dh bt blg..best2..aku sntiasa sapot hg..hehe..aku tak penah komen psl figure hg..paham..kdg2 sensitif..apa2 pn aku bangga coz hg ada effort nk kuruskn badan..yeah!!